American International School in Niamey - Extension

The American International School extension scheme pushes the notion of calm shaded green spaces forward.

AISN Renovations and extension

Status: Phase 1 completed in 2018. Phase 2 completed in 2019.

Location: Niamey, Niger.

The American International School in Niamey currently has academic facilities organized around a calm, shaded green space. The project is an extension to the current campus that embraces the existing scheme and creates new "quads" throughout the site. They each serve a different purpose that complements the current academic quad area. Phase 1 of the project organized a set of small buildings housing new administrative offices, an infirmary, a daycare and student restrooms that double as changing rooms. The second Phase provided the school with a new cafeteria, recreational center, locker rooms and a covered basketball court.

The program is broken up in a collection of small buildings placed and shaped to keep the maximum number of existing trees on the site. A welcome side effect of this approach is that it provides opportunities for devising shaded communal spaces for students, faculty and the community alike, while contributing to the thermal comfort of the buildings. The extension is also a first step for the school towards creating a sustainable healthy environment where energy consumption is lowered by building with Compressed Earth Bricks produced on site.